- "Neighboring Capital Imports and Non-Importer Productivity: Evidence from Geocoded Manufacturing Firms in China," Journal of Urban Economics, Volume 143, September 2024, 103692 (with Zhe Zhang). [Paper] [Appendix] [Replication]
- "Air Pollution Kills Competition: Evidence from ESports," Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Volume 122, October 2023, 102886 (with Ye Yuan and Zenan Wu). [Paper] [Appendix]
- "Heterogeneous Effects of Urban Transport Infrastructure on Population Distribution: The Role of Educational Access," Regional Science and Urban Economics, Volume 101, July 2023, 103902. [Paper] [Appendix]
- "What You Import Matters for Productivity Growth: Experience from Chinese Manufacturing Firms," Journal of Development Economics, Volume 152, September 2021, 102677 (with Larry D. Qiu, Hongsong Zhang, and Xiaoyu Dong). [Paper] [VoxChina].
- "Land Financing and Economic Growth: Evidence from Chinese Counties," China Economic Review, August 2018, Vol.50: 218-239. [Paper]
- "Government Intervention, Land Market, and Urban Development: Evidence from Chinese Cities," Economic Inquiry, January 2017, Vol.55(1): 115–136 (with Jipeng Zhang and Jianyong Fan). [Link]
- "Housing Models and Urbanization in China: Empirical Research from the Perspective of Land Supply (居住模式与中国城镇化——基于土地供给视角的经验研究)," Social Sciences in China (in Chinese, 中国社会科学), April 2015: 44-63 (with Jianyong Fan and Jipeng Zhang). [Paper]
- "Local Government Debt, Land Market Institution and Regional Industrial Growth (地方债务, 土地市场与地区工业增长)," Economic Research Journal (in Chinese, 经济研究), January 2014: 41-55 (with Jianyong Fan). [Paper] [Appendix1], [Appendix2]
- "The Impact of Disaster Relief on Economic Growth: Evidence from China," The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance-Issues and Practice, May 2013, Vol.38: 495-520 (with Xian Xu). [Link]
Working Papers
- "FDI, Supply Chain Linkages, and Industrial Emissions," with Ye Yuan and Zhe Zhang, 2024.
- "The Risk of International Sourcing: Evidence from Chinese Export during COVID-19," with Larry D. Qiu and Hongsong Zhang, 2024.
- "Risk Attention and Insurance Demand," with Ruo Jia, Ye Yuan, and Chang Zhang, 2024.
- "Quantifying Network Advantage," 2023.
Selected Works in Progress
- "Local Public Resources Composition and Spatial Misallocation in China," with Bo Li and Han Shi, 2024.
- "Production Function Estimation with Resource Misallocation," with Shigang Li, 2024.
- "Less Variety In, More Variety Out? The Role of Domestic Production Capability," with Shengyu Li and Hongsong Zhang, 2024.